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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Full Circle

                                       Full Circle

What a fantastic day!  I have been waiting for it for months!  Since deciding to transition from teaching into speaking, I have spent countless hours learning marketing ideas, studying the trends, being exposed to new methods of using mass media, and most importantly…how to become the kind of speaker I’d like to be.

It’s been quite a journey, but since I love learning new things, I’m none the worse for wear.  I have fussed over web designs and tried out my stories on the kids at school, but today I got a chance for the rubber to finally meet the road!

 A group of lovely ladies at Peace Lutheran Church hosted an event they called “Hilari-tea” and asked me to come be their speaker.  What fun!  All the flavor of high tea with none of the stuffiness!  The whole idea was to thank ladies who have volunteered in raising funds, sewing dresses and bags, helping out at shelters, collecting food, and generally doing all kinds of kindnesses for our community, by serving them in turn.  They prepared finger sandwiches, scrumptious cookies, teacakes, even dipped strawberries, and served tea from silver-plated tea pots into delicate china cups. 

Throughout the time of fellowship, those gathered had an opportunity to share jokes and stories, and then were gracious enough to listen to me as well.

Being able to share with them how important laughter is physically, and how it’s possible even in the most daunting circumstances to find hilarity made some of the stuff I’ve been through…well…almost worthwhile.  It doesn’t make the tough stuff any less painful, but at least that pain can be blessin’ someone else.

I’m so grateful for being able to practice on a real audience, and for all their kind reviews.

Way to go ladies!  Keep up all the goodness!

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